
Looked like he'd marry one
of the local girls and settle down...

...like all the folks who live in our parts.
But John couldn't seem to get used
to doing the same thing...

...day in and day out.
One morning, he came down
to breakfast all packed.

John wasn't the sort
you could argue with...

...so I figured it'd be best
to give him his head.

He didn't tell me much.
All he said, he was going to Indianapolis
to become a big broker.

So I told him that little town
wasn't big enough to hold me.

And nothing's going
to stop me here either.

Look, the market is down.
Everybody's selling short.

But me, I'm buying.
- Honey, you're wonderful.
- You see, it's this way.

No matter how low public utilities go,
they'll still be solid...

...because people always need
electricity, gas and water.

- Honey, you're wonderful.
- Now you take the oil situation.

Do you know what it costs
to drill a new well?

First, let's have another drink.
Mac, two more.
That'll be 2 bucks in advance.
Well, you heard the lady. Two more.
That'll be 2 bucks in advance.
Oh, pay him, honey.
We don't take checks.
- Say, what kind of a dump is this?
- Why, you two-bit chiseler.

- Let's get out of here.
- I want another drink.

- I wouldn't buy another drink in this dump.
- Oh, don't be that way, honey.

I want another drink. Please.
Okay, okay.
