
Now, our next job
is the Farmers National.

Farmers National? You nuts?
- That's pretty tough.
- It's full of guards. You can't get near it.

It's around the corner from the joint
we cracked yesterday.

That's just why I picked it.
They'll never expect
lightning to strike twice.

That's great thinking, Specs.
Yeah. Yeah.
Now, one of us has got to case the bank,
you understand?

Since the four of us
have been identified...

...it's expedient for us to keep
out of sight as much as possible.

So that more or less
throws it in your lap, John.

Smile, John.
That's better.
Well, there's nothing further we can do
until John returns with his report.

So let's relax.
- How about a little game?
- Table stakes?

- Okay by me.
- Deal up.

- Deal you in, John?
- Not tonight.

- Where you going?
- Out.

Be careful.
Why? Nobody's looking for me.
I told you he was a fresh punk.
Well, he'll learn.
Where you going, honey?
If you'd have been another minute,
I'd have been gone.

Where are we going?
Oh, there's a little place on the other side
of town I'd like to visit again.
