Fallen Angel

Go on. Go on back
to your one-armed joint

and wait for somebody
to come and marry you.

Coming, Eric?
Yeah, I'm coming.
Professor's waiting. It never
felt so good getting out of town.

Even with the bills all paid.
Don't smile,
your face looks better without it.

- See ya downstairs.
- OK.

Top of the mornin', my boy. Hop in.
- Good morning.
- Get in.

- I'm not going.
- Not going? What's wrong?

Nothing. You go ahead, I'll meet you.
We need you for advance publicity.
San Francisco's tough on spooks.
- Hit 'em like the earthquake.
- When I feel like it.

I made it clear when I took this job,
you can't tie me down.

It cramps my style.
I work best when a certain feeling
comes and right now, I don't have it.

- Genius.
- Eric, my boy, you're an artist.

- Have a bus ticket on the firm.
- Never mind that.

Well, you'll always find your
favourite brand in my bureau drawer.
