Isle of the Dead

What do you mean, spying on us like this?
You must have known we were here.

- That is why I came.
- Bosh. Come on, Thea.

You might as well stay here, Davis.
The island is small,
and wherever you go, I'll go too.

- It's for your own safety.
- Wait a minute.

You really mean that, don't you?
You're really concerned.

And you're going to tag along
just to protect me.

- I am concerned.
- Let me get this straight.

You feel that Thea is
some sort of evil influence...

and can harm me
and the other people here, too. Is that it?

What are you going to do about it?
When I am sure, I will destroy her.
General, you're right.
There is something here more dangerous
than septicemic plague.

More dangerous
as far as Thea is concerned.

And that's your own crazy thoughts
about her.

You can say whatever you like.
The only safe thing for Thea
is to get her off the island.

We'll leave in the morning.
I'll row you over.

You can't go. You'll spread the plague.
You might have thought about that
before you threatened her.

- Why can't you come with us?
- I've told you, Thea.

But even if it's true...
even if there's no chance
of your getting well...

it would still be better if you were with us.
You and Oliver don't know where you'll be
or what will happen.

You couldn't shield me against
what I fear most.

I don't dare go with you.
Mr. Albrecht, will he know what to do?
Yes, I'll explain everything to him.
You must be off.
Oliver will be waiting for you.

No, he's to meet me later.
God bless you.
