Isle of the Dead

Shut me in again.
Closed in. Shut in.
It doesn't look much like the fish spears
I knew back at Marblehead.

The great god of the sea, Poseidon,
didn't use it for fishing.

He raked the wine-dark ocean with it
and stirred the loud-sounding waves.

They still use spears like that in Corinth.
Vorvolaka, I hear her. I hear her.
He seems to know you're out here.
It sets him off.

Why don't you get to bed?
You need some sleep.

A little frightening up there?
Well, I can't blame you.

Outside? It's windy, but it's warm.
Why don't you sit out there...
and I'll join you
when the General quiets down a bit?

It's the warm wind. It makes one sleepy.
The General's asleep. I'll get Thea back.
