Leave Her to Heaven

Jacinto. That's me.
Oh, there you are. Hello there.
Oh, it's nice to see you.
- Mrs. Berent.
- Hello.

- Hello.
Hello, baby, how are you?

Hello, darling.
- And how's Louise?

- And the children?
- Fine, wonderful.

Get those bags, will you?
- Looking forward to seeing the ranch.
- Can you stay long?

Here! Here we are!
Hello there.
Hello, Glen, how are you?
Nice to see you.

- Glad to see you, Dick.
- You look fine.

- How's your brother?
- Danny's still flat on his back.

He wanted very much to come...
...but the doctor thought the trip
might be too much.

Oh, I'm sorry.
Ladies, may I present Mr. Harland?
Mrs. Berent.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?

Ruth Berent.
- How do you do?
- Hello.

Ellen Berent.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?

We met on the train, rather briefly.
Too briefly.
I've got the car right here, folks.
Are you all ready? Come on.

- Did you say Harland?
- Richard Harland.

Oh, Mr. Harland, I'm terribly sorry.
I doubt if I'll ever forgive you.
Wait till you get a look
at the new colts.

Oh, I bet they're darling.
Ellen, we've got plenty
of wild turkey this year.

- Big as ostriches, twice as ornery.

Hope you people
are all good and hungry.
