Les Dames du Bois de Boulogne

Will you see her soon?
- I rarely see her. And you?

Once a year.
We don't see anybody.

And I'll thank you
to remember that.

Follow your string now,
and don't lose your way.

- Why the long face?
- You wouldn't understand.

Understand what?
You lend an umbrella -

It's not the umbrella!
I didn't break all ties
with our former life

because it was a jumble
of poverty and empty luxuries.

I broke ties with it because
I needed to live and enjoy living.

Those flowers ruin everything.
But they bring joy, my angel.
There was a time when I would see
a man's face behind every bouquet.

Now look.
Behind these flowers, there's still
a man's face threatening us.

That's what we've come to.
- You're always so dramatic.
