Les Enfants du paradis

What brings you here, sir?

"Paris is small for those who share
so great a passion as ours."

Why the "sir," Garance?
Don't be angry.
I'm like that with everyone now.
O Desdemona! Perfidious creature!
To walk off like that, saying,
"See you later,"
and then vanish for years.

And when she decides to return,
she asks innocently,

"What brings you here, sir?"
I never left.
I knew you'd be back.

I waited in this chair.
For years.

You haven't changed.
Neither have you, Madame Garance.
But, in fact, you have.
You have changed.
You're more desirable than ever.
And I don't know...you're...
More "distinguished"?
- You're hurt?
- It's nothing. It's already healed.

There are other wounds
that take longer to heal.

Wounded pride, perhaps,
but a wound all the same.

So it was that man,
that man with the flowers
you left with?

Where did you go?
Where did he take you?

That nabob. To India?
I did go to India.
But not for long.
I lived in England
most of the time.

- And Scotland.
- Is Scotland beautiful?

but it's so far away.
I love only Paris.
And memories of Paris.
Baptiste, for example.
whom you watch every night.
