Sherlock Holmes and the House of Fear

The events I'm
about to relate

began a fortnight ago.
In a grim old house
perched high on a cliff
on the west coast
of Scotland.

This singular
structure is known as

Driercliff House.
Gathered there for dinner
were the seven members
of a most
extraordinary club

called the Good Comrades.
Into this unique gathering
came their melancholy

Mrs. Monteith
bearing a message
for Ralph King,
a retired barrister.
King received it casually.
When they saw
the contents,

the Good Comrades took
the whole thing as a joke

but their
housekeeper was right,

it was no laughing matter.
For on the
following night...

Ralph King died horribly
but this was only
the beginning.

A few nights later
as the Good
Comrades gathered

to drink a final toast
to their departed member...
