Sherlock Holmes and the House of Fear

please proceed.
Thank you.
Good Comrades,
our dear friend Guy Davis
has gone to his reward.
Let those of us who remain
drink to our dead
and to that
bright tomorrow

when we shall join them
in a better,
happier world.

Wait a minute,
there's something
wrong here.

If you please
Captain Simpson.

The odor of
bitter almonds.

Bitter almonds, acid huh?
There must be
some mistake.

Mistake hey?
Lucky I didn't make it
by drinking that stuff.

Well what have
you got to say?

Whichever one of you
it was tried to kill me

had better look out.
I'm a dangerous
man to fool with.

Hadn't we better

I mean to say that...
We've not yet finished
the toast to our dead.
But you think
it's quite safe?

Don't be absurd Alastair.
Take my glass.
I assure you it
hasn't been poisoned.

Thank you.
Thank you
Doctor Merrivale.

To our departed Comrades.
For me?
Aye Mr. Cosgrave,
it says so on
the envelope.
