Sherlock Holmes and the House of Fear

of three remaining
Good Comrades

will be the next to
receive the orange pips.

Orange pips?
Will someone
please tell me

what's going on here?
Where is that confounded
woman with the brandy?

Mrs. Monteith?
Well there you are,
it's about time too.
Let's get on with
the ceremony.

What are you going to
do about this Inspector?

What are you going to do?
Orange pips hey?
The police will
handle this.

We'll protect you.
Holmes tried to protect
Cosgrave, he's dead.

Scotland Yard's
in charge now

just you come
along with me.

Just a moment Simpson.
We've not yet drunk our
usual toast to the dead.

To the dickens
with the dead.

From now on I'm
thinking of myself.

Just you come along
with me Captain.

Say Holmes do you think?
Oh it's you Inspector.
My nerves are all on edge.
Just wanted to make sure
you were all set Captain.

You're sure I'm safe here?
Safe as a bank of England.
You're protected
from every angle.
