
What Rome?
He means Rome, Georgia.
- Anything wrong?
- My husband's ill, we're going home.

Here you are, 2 tickets
to Rome, Georgia.

He'll be all right in a minute.
These dizzy spells go away.

He looks pretty sick,
I'll call a doctor.

No, he'll be all right.
Do you feel better now, darling?

Pull yourself together.
You're all right.

- When does the train leave?
- Birmingham special...

in 10 minutes, track 17.
- I got confused.
- Thank you.

I'll take you to the train
in case anything happens.

He's recovered now. You're very nice
to offer help, but I can get along.

Act as if we're taking this train.
We'll walk down and turn back.

- What's the matter with this train?
- The policeman heard us buy tickets.

- Did he act suspicious?
- No...

but if he goes to the police station,
he may find descriptions of us...

remember us, and telephone Rome,
Georgia to have us picked up.

We can't go back to the hotel.
They'll have a million police there.

We're not going back,
we're going to Rochester...

Come on, we'll go to
Grand Central Station.

By the way, what are we
going to Rochester for?

- We're going to visit Dr. Brulov.
- The one who doesn't like ketchup.

He was my analyst,
he psychoanalysed me.

- Really? What was wrong with you?
- All analysts have to be analysed...

by other analysts before
they start practicing.

That's to make sure
they're not too crazy.

Apparently the mind is never too ill
to make jokes about psychoanalysis.

- I'm sorry. I'm a pig.
- I keep forgetting you're a patient.

So do I. When I hold you
like this I feel well.
