
I sit here waiting,
if you scream, I'm ready...

So, he comes downstairs and he's
dangerous, I can see by his face.

So I keep talking, while I put some
bromide into a glass of milk...

enough to knock out 3 horses.
When he falls down, I run up to see
you, you're sleeping like a baby...

and I come back
here to watch out.

The struggle against his condition
agitates him at times...

but there's no danger in him.
This is what I found
in his hand last night.

He didn't know he had that.
You mustn't think that.

He didn't try to hurt you,
he couldn't.

- My child he is not responsible.
- That's not correct.

I'm just a little more experienced
with his type than you.

I grant you know more
than me, but...

Do not complete this sentence with
the usual female contradictions.

You grant I know more than you,
but you know more than me?

Women's talk!
- What are you going to do?
- Something more for you than me...

- I'm calling the police.
- No, please...

You are giving me orders?
My pupil?

You don't know this man,
you know only science...

you know his mind,
but not his heart.

We are speaking of a schizophrenic,
and not a valentine.

We're speaking of a man.
Look at you, Dr. Petersen,
the promising psychoanalyst...

is now all of a sudden a schoolgirl
in love with an actor, nothing else.

- Alex, let me tell you about him.
- What is there for you to say?

We both know that the mind
of a woman in love...

is operating on the lowest level
of the intellect.

Doctor told me not to smoke in the
morning, but I'm too excited.
