
I couldn't feel this pain
for someone who was evil.

You are 20 times
crazier than him.

She couldn't love him
if he was no good.

This is baby talk, nothing else.
What do you want I should do?

Give me time to treat and cure him,
before the police find him...

and shock him into
an incurable condition.

- This could take a year.
- No, no.

Half a year? We should sit
and hide for half a year?

Waiting to find out if he'll cut
your throat, my throat...

and set fire to the house.
My dear girl...

even to a woman in love,
it must seem a little unreasonable.

Just a few more days,
before you turn him over...

a few more days, and then
if I can't do anything...

if we both can't, then you
can call the police.

You're not hiding a criminal.
There's no evidence...

except his own guilt fantasies.
He's just a possible witness...

to what happened to Edwardes.
In his condition, he could
tell the police nothing.

You're doing nothing
against the law, we're helping...

by investigating him as doctors...
Doctors who want the truth
even more than they do.

- All right.
- You'll wait?

Go make me coffee. I'll pretend
I'm acting sensible for a few days.

Thank you, thank you very much.
I'll make you coffee,
with an egg in it.
