My Darling Clementine

Why, he rode out of town
about 3:00 this morning, heading south.

I don't know
when he'll be back, ma'am.

He'll most likely
be back supper time.

Maybe you'd like to
have some breakfast, freshen up a bit.

Oh, I would like some coffee.
- Have you got a room for Miss--
- Carter. Clementine Carter.

Thank you.
See if Josephina can't get
a couple of buckets of hot water...

- so she can take a bath.
- Yes, Marshal.

It's Doc's room.
You're right across the hall from him.

John's room?
Oh, that's John
with a mustache.

He is a good surgeon,
isn't he?

I wouldn't know, ma'am.
That's a nice picture of you.
