She-Wolf of London

CAROL: Yes, just a short way.
Less than a mile I'd say.

HANNAH: Not more than half a mile, if you
ask me.

Hannah, get some more tea.
- What are you waiting for? Get it.
- Yes, ma'am.

It seems that the body of the child
was horribly mangled.

Carol, please!
Help me get her upstairs.
[Dramatic instrumental music]
[Cheerful instrumental music]
- Hello, Barry.
- Good morning. Is Phyllis ready?

I promised I'd drive her
to the dressmaker's this morning.

I'm afraid she can't go with you, Barry.
- Why not?
- She's ill.

Not too ill to receive a visitor, I hope.
I don't know. I'll go to her room
and ask her. Come in.

I just can't live with myself
knowing that I murdered that child.

MARTHA: You murdered no one.
MARTHA: Now, you must stop talking
about it. Or even thinking about it.

The idea that a frail girl like you...
could literally tear a boy of 10
to pieces is utterly ridiculous.

I wish I could believe that.
[Knocking on door]
MARTHA: Is that you, Carol?
CAROL: Yes, Mother.

MARTHA: What is it?
CAROL: Barry's here.

CAROL: I said you were ill
and he wants to see you.

CAROL: Shall I have him come up?
PHYLLIS: No. Don't let him come up.
