She-Wolf of London

I merely added up the facts.
Please, let's not talk about it anymore.
We've got to talk about it.
You can't let yourself go to pieces
over a thing like that.

I'm sure you place no stock
in that silly legend...

about your family
being cursed by the wolves.

I'm not sure.
I know you scoff at the Allenby curse...
but ever since my parents were killed...
I've had the strangest dreams.
Dreams in which it seemed
I lived a long time ago.

I took part in pagan rites.
I assumed the form of a wolf.
I even hunted with the wolves.
Those dreams are easily explained.
Someone probably told you
weird stories about the curse...

when you were a child.
Certainly, you don't believe
in werewolves, do you?

Many people do.
There was an ancient tribe, the Hirpini...
which worshipped wolves.
- But that was centuries ago.
- Yes.

But even today in Scotland,
on nights when the dogs howl...

people hang out lighted lanterns
to ward off evil spirits.

You've evidently been reading up
on the subject, haven't you?

Yes, I have.
Plato and Pythagoras on the
transmigration of souls, I suppose.

Don't tell me
you've overlooked Shakespeare.

Let's see, now.
Merchant of Venice, wasn't it?

"Thou almost mak'st me waver in my faith
"To hold opinion with Pythagoras
"That souls of animals infuse themselves
"Into the trunks of men.
Thy currish spirit

"Govern'd by a wolf who,
hang'd for human slaughter

"Even from the gallows did his fell soul fleet
"And, whilst thou layest in thy
unhallowed dam

"Infus'd itself in thee for thy desires
"Are wolfish, bloody, starv'd and ravenous"
- Barry, stop it!
- Oh, darling.

I'm sorry. I didn't realise
it would hit you like this.

I'm so terribly frightened.
Hold me tight, awfully tight!
