Song of the South

Remus: Now, le'see now. Whar is we figgerin' on goin?
How kin we be goin' sum place if we dunno whar we's goin?

Johnny: I'm going to Atlanta.
Remus: Hmm, pow'ful long walk to Atlanta.
Is you brung some grub?

Johnny: No.
Remus: Well, now... if we ain't got no grub,
we sho can't get very fur.

Remus: S'pose we stops by my place an' picks up
some cawn-bread? An' mebbe some sweet tatters?

Remus: Tobby sho', honey. Gimme yo' hand.
I need young eyes in de dark.

Remus: Sort o' late in de day to be startin'
on sech a long trip, ain't it?

Johnny: Well, you don't have to go...
Just 'cause you said you would.

Remus: Well, now, I ain't heard nobody say
nuthin' 'bout not goin'. Co'se I'll go.

Johnny: And I'm not comin' back!
Johnny: You're laughing at me.
Remus: At you honey? No suh.
Remus: I'se laughin' 'cause dem's sackly
the words that ol' Brer Rabbit used

Remus: de time dat he lit out from his briar patch!
An' I ain't never comin' back, neither!

Remus: Yes suh, dem was his very words.
Remus: Well, I reckon I better be gettin' my
things together so's we can be leavin'.

Johnny: What did you say about Brer Rabbit?
Remus: Which Brer Rabbit was dat, hon?
