Song of the South

Johnny: Why, you said something about Brer Rabbit.
Remus: Who? Me? I mighter said sump'n 'bout 'im

Remus: day befo' yestiddy,
but it done gone clean off my mind.

Johnny: Why, you said there was a tale about
Brer Rabbit not coming back to his briar patch.

Remus: Well, bless my soul, child. I sho' did.
And if I don't tell you about 'im, you're gonna

Remus: pester me 'til I does. So what's de odds?
'Tain't no great tale, no-how.

Johnny: Is that the same Brer Rabbit
that got away from the fox?

Remus: Why, don't you know? Dey ain't but one
Brer Rabbit. Now you jes' set yo'se'f down here

Remus: and lissen, wid bofe ears wide open...
'cause dishyer Brer Rabbit, he's de out-doin'est,

Remus: The mos' bodacious critter in de whole world.
Now dishyer tale didn't happen jes' yestiddy...

Remus: Nor de day befo'. 'Twas along time ago.
An' in dem days, eve'thing was mighty satisfactual.

Remus: De critters, dey was closer to de folks...
an' de folks, dey was closer to de critters...

Remus: An' if you'll 'scuse me for sayin' so...
t'was better all around.

Remus: Honey... It happened on one of them
Zip-a-dee-do-da days.

Remus: Now that's the kind of day when you can't
open your mouth without a song jump right out of it...

Remus: Zip-a-dee-do-da, zip-a-dee-ay,
my oh my, what a wonderful day.

Remus: Plenty of sunshine, headin'
my way. Zip-a-dee-do-da, zip-a-dee-ay.
