Song of the South

Remus: Well, suh, you ain't never see'd nobody
dat had humble come-tumbleness down as fine

Remus: as what brer rabbit had it den...
poor li'l critter -- He learned a pow'ful lesson,

Remus: but he learned it too late -- But it jes' goes to
show you what comes o' mixin' up wid somethin'

Remus: you got no business wid in de fust place...
an' don't you never forget it!

Johnny: How did Brer Rabbit
get away, Uncle Remus?

Remus: Who say he git away?
Toby: Brer Rabbit always gits away.
Remus: Don't you be too sho' ...
ain't i done tol' you that Brer Rabbit, bein'

Remus: li'l an' widout much strength, he's s'posed
to use his head 'stead o' his foots?

Johnny: Did he?
Toby: Sho he did!
Remus: Now, who tellin' dishyer tale?
Toby: You are!
Remus: Den you jes' set an' do de lis'nin.
Well, suh, dar he was, sittin' in de middle o' de road --

Remus: Jes' like you's sittin' in dat chair --
Only he's all mixt up wid dat tar baby ...

Remus:' it sho' look like de end o' de
finish fo' po' li'l Brer Rabbit, cuz ol' Brer Fox ...

Remus: ...was fixin' to barbeque
him fo' dinna, right den an' dar.

Fox: Yes, suh, yes suh, jes' any minute now ...
won't be long now ... dinner goin' be ready any

Fox: minute now ... all we have to do is put
a few more sticks on the fire. Yes ...

Fox: ... get the fire goin' good. Oh, skuze me, you
is gwine stay fo' dinner, ain'cha', Brer Rabbit?

Fox: We ain't gonna take no 'scuses.
Now, we jes' love to have you fo' dinner!

Fox: Wouldn't we jes' love to have him fo'dinner,
Brer Bear? Ain't dat jes' what you been sayin'?

Bear: No, sir.
Bear: wuh-wuh-wuh-what I said was...
Bear: ...I'm gonna knock his head... clean off.

Fox: No indeed, not that.
Not that, no, no, not that.

Fox: No, no, stop! Wait no!
No wait! Let loose. You can't do that.

Bear: Bu...don't do that...look,
I'm gonna... now jes' look....

Fox: No, he's mine.
Fox: I caught 'im an' you keep yo' hans' off!

Bear: But look! I'm gonna knock his head...
Fox: No! No! No! That's too quick.
We're gonna make him suffer.

Fox:' I'm gonna do it the way I wanna do it.
Bear: But... er...

Fox: Oh, I know that - Right in the back o'
my little head I knowed what we gonna do....
