Terror by Night

The Star of Rhodesia
is one of the most famous
of the Earth's treasures.
First touched
by the fingers

of the humble

It would have
been better

had it never been found...
for all those
who possessed it

came to sudden and
violent death.

Our story opens in London
within the sound of

In the shadow
of Tower Bridge

is the carpenter's
shop of Mock and Son,

coffin makers.
A beautiful job
if I may so.

You'll be sure to have it
at the
undertakers in time?

Of course.
The Scotch Express
leaves Uston Station

at 7:30 tonight.
That leaves
very little time

for the arrangement
of the body.

Your mother is it not?
You are taking
her to Scotland?

Yes, Edinburgh,
her home.
Oh thank you.
Rather a nuisance
traveling by train...
ain't it?
Off with you.
Go on get about
your business.
