Terror by Night

with the curtains open
so that if anyone
had gone in or out

he would have seen them?
Say, you've got
something there.

Well let's look at
this thing objectively.

Lady Carstairs seemed
more concerned,

was more concerned,
at the loss of the diamond
than at the
death of her son.

By George you're right.
So she was.
Come in.
Oh here you are Watson.
Sit down.
Have a drink?
No thanks.
Do you mind if I...
Not at all.
I've been thinking
about this case Holmes,

that is Duncan
Bleek and I have.

Yes so I see.
The way we figure it out,
the old trout is the only
one without an alibi.

we feel that
you're approaching
the whole thing

from the wrong angle.
Really Watson?
What's your theory?
A lot of people
insure jewelry

and then try and
collect on it.

Interesting suggestion.
I suppose you go and
ask Lady Margaret

just how much
insurance she carries

on the Star of Rhodesia.
No thank you.
I've already
had two tries.

Why don't you
ask her yourself?

For a very simple
reason, I already know.

You're quite
a doodler sir.

If you know
why did you ask me.

Mr. & Mrs. Shawcross.
Well we can
eliminate them.

Professor William Kilbane.
I'll send a telegram to
the Edinburgh Police

to check up on that
mathematics professor.

Now what?
Well just a coincidence.
What's a coincidence?
The fact that this
fellow Kilbane,

happens to be a professor
of mathematics.

Come again Mr. Holmes.
Lestrade did you
ever hear of

Colonel Sebastian Moran?
Well of course I did.
What about him?
Well then as you know,
Colonel Sebastian Moran
was the most sinister,
ruthless and diabolic,

clever henchmen
of our late but
unlamented friend,

Professor Moriarity.
I've never seen him
but I've been conscious
of his presence
