Terror by Night

Send it over as soon
as possible will you?

Very good sir.
It's a telegram to the
real Edinburgh police

asking to meet us
when we arrive.

But how did you
know this fellow

wasn't the real
Inspector Macdonald?

Elementary my dear Watson.
In the first place,
he didn't put handcuffs
on Colonel Moran

so I had to do it myself
and in the second place,
Inspector Macdonald,
during the fight,
was more hindrance
than help,

which is not

of a real policeman.
Amazing Holmes.
Uncovering such a plot
with so little evidence.
Yes I forgot to mention
that I also happen to know
the real Inspector

of the Edinburgh Police.
Oh was Lestrade
in all of this?

Yes and
surprisingly enough

he grasped the
situation immediately.

That's very unusual.
Let's hope he
hasn't overdone it.

Very clever Holmes.
You've got me
but you haven't got the
Star of Rhodesia.

Oh but I have.
If in the dark
I could substitute
a big hulk

like Lestrade for
you Colonel Moran.

It's no very great feat to
switch a little
thing like a diamond.
