The Yearling

You like to sleep up there?
You see things at night
and hear things.

All the things scared of the daytime.
I seen a deer and a wolf
playing together.

You couldn't have seen that.
They's enemies.

That's what folks tell you.
And I seen the Spaniards
riding on big black horses.

They's tall and dark
and have shiny helmets.

There ain't no Spaniards left.
They all gone, like the Indians.

They's here.
Listen to me. The next time
you go to your sinkhole...

:34:40 know that magnolia
with the dogwood around it?

Just you look behind it.
There's always a Spaniard
on a big black horse...

...riding past that magnolia.
Guess we'd better go in.
Well, Jody and me set out
after them dogs.

That bear took them
across the scrub...

...along the ponds,
through the thicket...

...right to Juniper Creek,
where they caught up with him.

- Tarnation! I wish I'd been there.
- Get on with it!

- This dog go with them?
- Yes, he went along.

Do he hold the bear at bay?
No, he's sorry. The sorriest bear-dog
I ever owned or followed.

- Got himself lame?
- No, he ain't lame.

What you holding him so careful for?
IKeep him out of the jaws
of them bloodhounds.

- Valuable?
- Shut up, Lem!

Go on, Penny!
There he was, at the edge of Juniper
Creek, raring up on his hindlegs.

Before I shoot,
Julie gets him by the throat.

He pushes her off, and I get a chance
to shoot... and what happens?

- What did happen?
- Go on!

My gun won't shoot.
Tried it again and again,
but she won't shoot.
