The Yearling

I think I sold Mrs. Baxter
a dress length of that alpaca...

...about four or five summers back.
That's pretty.
Young man, you don't come in
to trade very often...

:47:19 I'll treat you to a dime's worth
of anything you've a notion for.

I reckon that mouth organ's
worth more than a dime.

Well, yes,
but it's been here a long while.

Take it and welcome.
- Well, now. That's unusual kind.
- Thank you, sir.

- There's your gal now, Jody.
- Pa.

It's Eulalie.
Come out special just to see you.

- Pa.
- Now go say "How do" to her. Go on.

- Your boy's got manners, Mr. Baxter.
- He's right smart of a comfort.

- He hit me with a potato!
- Jody, you put that down.

What's got into you?
How come you shame me like that?

Now you go up and excuse yourself.
