The Yearling

I bet you ain't bought half my order.
I never knowed a man yet
who could be trusted to...

Where's my paregoric? Where's my...?
That's just like a man!
Throwing away money on such as this.

Men got no more sense than...
How much did this cost?

Tell me how much you wasted
on such foolishness.

The next time you go to Volusia,
I'll... How much was this?

She's raring, Pa. Don't she like it?
She likes it, boy.
Fodderwing claims
he can talk to vultures.

They wouldn't have much
I'd wanna hear.

Maybe if you was to tame one,
it might make a pretty nice pet.

Whoa, Caesar. Whoa.
Well, Ma, been admiring
our fine crop of corn?

I ain't admiring nothing.
IKnow why the hogs didn't come in?

- Why?
- They was stole.
