The Yearling

And that track leads plain as anything
right to the Forresters.

Dogged if I can understand
cold out meanness.

Well, boy, we're obliged to follow.
Lem said he'd shoot if we come around.
I'd rather let them keep the hogs.

And go without meat?
How will we live if we don't protect
our rations? You wanna beg off going?

- I reckon not. I reckon to go with you.
- All right then.

There's trouble waiting,
you just as good go to meet it.

- Pa!
- Get back! Watch the dogs!

He got me, boy.
He was a big one.
Get the gun.
Pa, it's a doe.
Do as I say.
Use your knife to open up her belly.

What am I to do?
Cut out the liver and heart.
Maybe we got a chance this way. Hurry.

Hurry, boy!
- You'll bleed to death.
- I'd rather that than swell.

I seen a man die. I can feel it draw.
Do it hurt, Pa?
Like a hot knife.
Give me the heart, boy.
