Black Narcissus

The agent at Mopu
is an Englishman.

He seems a diffîcult man.
You Won't get
much help from him.

[ Man's Vo/ce ]
Dear Madam, My name /s Dean.

I am the agent
of General Toda Ra/ at Mopu...

and I am wr/t/ng to you
/n that capac/ty.

I understand the general has offered you
the old palace at Mopu...

to make a school and
a d/spensary for the nat/ves.

It's not the f/rst t/me
he's had such /deas.

He's asked me to tell you
about the place and the people.

It's not a comfortable spot,
and /t's at the back of beyond.

F/rst you have to get
to Darjeel/ng,

then I have to f/nd you pon/es
and porters to take you /nto the h/lls.

Mopu /s 8,000 feet up.
The peaks on the range oppos/te
are nearly as h/gh as Everest.

The people call the h/ghest peak
Nanga Dalle.

It means ""the bare goddess. ""
I l/ve down /n the valley,
out of the w/nd.

So does the general,
and so do the people.

Mopu Palace stands /n the w/nd
on a shelf on the mounta/n.

It was bu/lt by the general's
father, to keep h/s women there.

It's called a palace, but there
may be a sl/ght d/fference...

between your /dea of a palace
and the general's.

Anyhow, there /t /s.
The people are l/ke mounta/n peasants
everywhere-- s/mple, /ndependent.

They work because they must,
they sm/le when they feel l/ke /t...

and they're no respecters
of persons.

The men are men-- no better,
no worse than anywhere else.

The women are women.
The ch/ldren, ch/ldren.

Up on the mounta/n above the
palace, we have our holy man...

who s/ts there day /n
and day out /n all weathers.

All the people around
are very proud of h/m...

and br/ng h/m food
and l/ttle offer/ngs.

The w/nd up at the palace
blows seven days a week,

so /f you must come,
br/ng some warm th/ngs w/th you.

Nobody has l/ved there for
a long t/me, except Angu Ayah...

who's always been there
and stays on as caretaker.
