Black Narcissus

I have already been told, Mr. Dean,
that you do not believe in solitude.

Do you know what the people
call this place ?

""The House of Women. ""
The general's father
used to keep h/s lad/es here.

From now on, it will be known
as the House of St. Faith.

Sister, will you have
that picture taken down ?

I give you
till the rains break.

[ Drumm/ng ]
[ Drums Cont/nue In D/stance ]
Oh, dear, dear.
[ Knock/ng At Door ]
Who /s /t ?
Sister Briony.
I can't sleep.
Anything wrong, Sister ?
It's Sister Ruth.
I've just seen her.

- How is she ?
- She's sick.

She has violent pains in her joints,
a boil on her fînger...

and headaches.
It's this wind.
And they all seem so tired.
It's the altitude.
