Black Narcissus

I think you have let yourself fall...
into thinking too much of Mr. Dean.
Sister, don't you realize
what you're doing,

what you're running the risk
of losing in yourself?

S/ster, you must-- I must make you see
before /t /s too late.

All the same, I've noticed you're
very pleased to see him yourself !

If that was in your mind, it's better
said I think you're out of your senses !

L/sten to me. I don't know--
I can't dec/de now what to make of you.

I shall have to think,
and I want you to think too.

As for Mr. Dean--
In spite of his charm and kindliness,
he is not a good man.

You must take him for what he is
and not try to glorify him
into something he is not.

When he came to chapel on
Christmas night, he was drunk.

Can I go ?
I want you to write
to Reverend Mother.

I shan't look at the letter,
and her reply will be your own business.

Am I to write
two or three pages ?

Would you rather I did it now,
or shall I fînish my class work fîrst ?

You may go.
[ Door Slams ]
