Black Narcissus

Yes, we're all human,
aren't We ?

When I was a girl,
I loved a man.

We were children together
in Ireland, where I come from.

A little place
called Dennis Kelly.

I thought--
everyone thought--

we should marry.
But he was ambitious,
and I found out he was going
to America to his uncle...

and he didn't
intend to take me.

He didn't think he was
doing anything wrong.

I don't think he ever
thought of us marrying.

But in a little
place like that,

and I had shown I loved him,
I had to get away fîrst.
And that's why
you entered the order?

And being you,
you wouldn't go back ?

It Was a strange Way
of bringing me in,

but God works in strange ways.
I had work to do,
and I had the life.

No one outside can possibly know
what that means.

It came to be my life.
I had forgotten everything
until I came here.

The fîrst day I came,
I thought of him...

for the fîrst time for years.
I seem to go back to the fîrst time
I loved him, when we were children.

The young general
reminds me of him too.

The world comes
thrusting in behind him.

I've been drifting and dreaming,
and now I seem to be living through
the struggle and the bitterness again.

Here. It's quite clean.
I washed my hair this morning.
