
There´s no ink stains
Typewriter ribbon probably...

...3 months old
No finger prints

Like always
What´s this? Glove prints,
probably suede gloves

Evaluation of the typewriter,
chemical analysis, finger prints

The same information as on the
other 7 letters

And the other 7 girls disappeared
Exactly. There´s a maniac homicidal
on the loose around London

A maniac who´s weakness is
young and beautiful girls and we´re...

...still far from his apprehension
The whole department is
racking their brains on this case

Racking their brains?
That´s a mistake. We can keep...

...racking on our brains to the end
and innocent girls would keep...

...disappearing, like this one who´s
fate has been shield by this poem.

It´s not our brains what needs
to be squeezed...

But the brain who wrote this
The kind of beauty that only death...

...can enhance. Tonight my friends,
it´s her final dance

50 beauties performing for you!
50 dream girls...

:06:12 dream of!
Dreams, silky dreams!

Blonde beauties! Not only one but 50!
Gentleman, only for 6 pennies!

Thanks for the dance
- Come to have a drink

- No, l´ve got to go
- Come on just a drink

- Come on, enough, move on
- Alright, l´m sorry

My feet hurt. L´m glad it´s only two
more hours

Two hours in this cement make it
seem longer than a 6 days bike race

In flew a dead duck
Come on darling, let´s dance
