Nightmare Alley

Chord from the orchestra,
amber spot, and I'm on.

Make my spiel. Good for one laugh.
Plenty of mystery.

Just a minute there.
Go right into my reading.
Here's my crystal.
Throughout the ages man has sought
to look behind the veil...

that hides him from tomorrow...
and through the ages certain men
have looked into the polished crystal...

and seen.
Is it some quality
of the crystal itself...

or does the gazer merely use it
to turn his gaze inward?

Who knows?
But visions come.

Slowly shifting their form,
visions come.

The shifting shapes begin to clear.

I see fields of grass
and rolling hills...

and a boy.
A boy is running barefoot
through the hills.

A dog is with him.
A dog is with him.
His name was Gyp.

Go on.
See how easy it is to hook 'em?
Stock reading. Fits everybody.
What's youth?
Happy one minute, heartbroken the next.

Every boy has a dog.
Now, now, now.

I'm just an old drunk.
Just an old lush.

Zeena will be mad.
Good old Zeena.

- Well, gotta go now. Zeena will be waiting.
- Okay, give me the bottle.

- Why?
- She'll only take it away from you.

Oh, I'll finish it first.
