
I've been thinking about us all night.
I couldn't sleep.
It's awful to lie down at night
and not be able to sleep.

But I do know
that we can work things out.

I'll do anything you say, David,
just as long as we're together.

That's all I want.
- David, why can't we be together?
- I told you why last night.

Louise, don't hang on to me.
You'll get hurt.

You're in love with someone else,
aren't you?

There isn't anybody else.
Don't please read hidden meanings
into everything I say.

If I were in love with anybody else,
believe me, I'd tell you.

There is another woman, I know it.
Otherwise why should you suddenly
decide to go off to Canada?

How did you know about Canada?
You didn't think I'd find out, did you?
But I did, I listened.

I listened at the door.
Do you see the things you make me do?
I'll do anything
because I don't care anymore.

You can't go away without me, David.
I won't let you. I'll find a way.

I'll lie if I have to, but I'll find a way.
David, I didn't mean that.
I don't know why I ever said such a thing.

David, I'm sorry. Please don't be angry.
David, listen to me. You mustn't
treat me this way. Don't leave me.

Take me with you. David!
where are you?
Don't leave me.
Now, try and be calm.
Tell me, how did you feel
when he left you?

What were you thinking?
He did it deliberately, to humiliate me.
He even pretended it was because
I was too much in love with him.

But he didn't fool me any.
He planned it that way.
They all knew about it.
his wife, Pauline, the others.
