Song of the Thin Man

You're right. It's an oldie. A very old oldie.
It's a lie and he knows it.
But he's the great Nick Charles,
The Mastermind.

We came over here asking your help...
and you've helped Phil
right into the electric chair.

Save it for your lawyer, lady.
Thank you, Mr. Charles. Thanks a lot.
Come on.

I could've sworn
that shot was on the level.

It was on the level.
- What? Then why did you...
- Darling.

With Brant loose, there'd be other shots.
One of them might hit the mark.

He'll be safer in jail.
- Then you don't think he killed Drake.
- Oh, that I don't know.

I suppose
jail is the best place temporarily.

But suppose he's innocent
and can't prove it?

Then it wouldn't be so temporary.
- The police do make mistakes.
- Yes, that is a cheerful thought.

Just what I've been thinking.
Of course, if you were on the case...
there would be no mistake.
It's positively sadistic
the way you drive me to work.

- All right, Mrs. Legree.
- My Nicky.

But for the time being,
we'll work without the police.

Nothing new. Get going.
- Hey, Mack. How about it?
- Sorry.

We got your photos this afternoon
with the rest of the news fellas.

Nobody gets on or off that boat
without a pass from the inspector.

You decided what kind of gun
Drake was shot with?

Ballistics is a little bit puzzled
but they'll figure it out.

- Hey, you, got a pass?
- A pass?

Since when does a peaceful citizen need
a pass to stroll along the waterfront?

There'll be a letter in the Morning Times
about this.

What's the matter now, Callahan?
Patrolman Davis is hungry again.
Got to get him a couple of sandwiches.

Sitting out on that deck
kind of gave me an appetite, too.
