Call Northside 777

...Tomek Zaleska,
protesting his innocence...

...surrendered to the police.
You knew we were looking for you.
You knew we picked up your good
friends, Helen and Frank Wiecek.

Why didn't you give yourself up,
if you were innocent, as you claim?

I was scared.
Sometimes I used to hang
around Wanda's place.

When I heard they were picking
up everybody she knew...

...I figured nobody would miss
me so I just beat it.

I know now I made a mistake.
But I came in on my
own hook, didn't I?

When you went to Wiecek's
house that night...

...what reason did you give
for wanting to sleep there?

I gave any reason.
I used to spend the night
there once in a while.

You didn't give them any reason?
No. I just asked them
to let me stay there...

...and they did.
And you're sure you gave
them no reason?

After identification by
an eye witness...

...Frank Wiecek and
Tomek Zaleska...

...were indicted for the murder
of Officer Bundy...

...and swiftly brought to trial.
I'll ask you, Mrs. Skutnik,
if you see in this courtroom...

...the two men who murdered
Policemen John Bundy?

Yes, sir.
Him, and him.
Had you ever seen these men
prior to the time of the shooting?

Tomek used to come around
my place all the time.

The other fellow I never saw before.
Then the first time you
saw Frank Wiecek...

...was on the day of the murder?

And the next time was the day...
:08:35 picked him out
of the line-up?

Yes, sir.
Thank you, Your Honour.
The people rest.

Both men receive the sentence
of 99 years...

:08:46 be served in
Stateville Penitentiary.

This happened in November of 1933.
Frank and Tomek went to prison.
The case was forgotten
for eleven years...
