Call Northside 777

I'm looking for Tillie Wiecek.
What you want?
I called Northside 777...
...and they said I'd find her here.
I'm Tillie.
Did you run this ad?
Yes, that's from me.
You know something?

No, I'm a reporter from
the Chicago Times.

Why are you so interested...
:12:04 finding the killers
of this cop?

Frank Wiecek is my son.
I am his mother.
My son is in prison for killing him.
He didn't do it.
My friends tell me if
I offer big money...

...maybe somebody will tell
who kill the policeman.

You mean your son is in prison
for killing the cop? Right?

Yes, but he don't do it.
My Frank is a good boy,
he don't do this thing.

About this five thousand dollars...
...where did you get it?
Is that important?
- Yes, it's very important.

Where he or you got it...
...have a lot to do with the case.
He might have had it hidden
away some place.

Maybe you got it from some
mob that's trying to spring him.

No, no.
I work, I scrub floors.
Eleven years I never
miss a day's work.
