Call Northside 777

Then I met Mr. Rayska.
He loved me...
...and he was fond of little Frank.
He understood everything about us.
What about the boy, does he know?
Yes, he knows.
But now everyone calls
his father Uncle Frank.

We've made a point of that.
Look, Ma, brand new.
He lost the other one.
This is Mr. McNeal of the newspaper.
And that's my husband, Mr. Rayska.
- Rayska.

That's my boy, Frank.
- How are you?

I'd like to get some shots
of you and the boy.

That's all right.
Come over here, Frank.

Rayska, would you mind
if I ask you a question?

Certainly not.
Were you in Chicago
in December, 1932?

Yes. Why?
Did you know Helen then?
What do you mean asking
such a question?

Any objections to answering?
No, no objections. He must ask
everything, dear. I know that.

I did not meet Helen till long
after she was divorced.

- This can be proved by our friends.
- I see.

You have to understand I have
to ask a lot of questions.

What's he asking questions
for anyway?

What's the big idea?
It's about your Uncle Frank.
He's not my uncle, he's my father.
Thank you.
