Germania anno zero

Here-- you used 1 0 kilowatts
more than last month.

- What's going on?
- He's checking the power meter.

You've gone over the limit.
You'll be fined.

- I told you!
- There are 1 0 of us in this house!

Five different families,

There is no provision in the law.
I'm sorry, but I must fine you.

- Do you have any cigarettes?
- I gave them all away.

- Damn it!
- I still have this.

You-- did you bring

Only coal.
I'll carry the overuse
to the next month.

Thank you. Good day.
See what I get
for taking you in?

Last month the gas,
this month the electricity--

What do you expect when you
have to take in so many?

Starting today, things will change.
First, no hot water. It's a luxury!

Do you want us
to go around dirty?

I always use cold water.
Nobody can say I'm dirty.

I'm not going to give up
the hair dryer, Father.

- Quiet. Don't be foolish.
- It's the Koelers' fault.

That old man-- I'll get rid of him
if he doesn't die first.

Let him talk, Edmund.
Don't answer back. Let's go!

- What's going on?
- Nothing, nothing.

Five families suffer
because of one useless old man.

Tea, compresses,
hot-water bottles...
