Ladri di biciclette

I think it's 15.
- You're coming with me.
- Me? I won't go.

Either you come with me...
or I take you to the police!
Silence! Silence! Talking
is disgraceful during services.

Are you coming? Yes or no?
Leave me alone.
I'm nothing but an old man.

What can you lose?
- I'm losing my patience!
- Lose whatever you like.

For the last time, will you go?
What do you want?
I'm not leaving this place!

You're going with me,
you hear!

I'm not mixed up with anybody.
Leave me alone.
I've got nothing to do with him.

Come on, let's go!
Let me have the soup first,
at least.

I'll go with you.
I sat through the service,
I'm entitled to the soup.

- Where are you going?
- To get the soup.

Ladies, did you see an old man?
Please attend the service.
It's too early.
