Melody Time

Well, as time went byJohnny kept
right on a-plantin´his apple trees,,,

and makin´ friends everywhere,
and his best friends
was the pioneers,,,

for, of course,John was plantin´more
than an apple tree,

He was plantin´his own
boundless faith and courage too,

and that give folks new heart,
new hope in the job they had to do,

As more and more pioneers
come to push back the forest,

the kindly deeds
oflittle Johnny Appleseed,,,

spread throughout the land,
and more ´n once, with
a good old-fashionedjubilee,

folks would honorJohnny Appleseed
and the fruit ofthe apple tree,

## [ Banjo ]
[ Dance Cal ler ] # Swi ng and come
right out to the right of the ring #

# I nside arch
and the outside under #

# I nside arch
and the outside under #

# ´Tain´t gonna rain
without no thunder #

# First and third
Bow left, swing #

# Come right out
to the right ofthe ring #

# And you buckle up four
with eight a-hand ´round #

# I´llswingyours
andyouswing mine#

# I´llswing mygirl
halfthe time#

# Keepin´ ´erstraight
to a do-si-do #

# Chicken in the breadpan
pickin´ out dough #

# Big pig a-rootin´ out
a little tater row #

# And a-one more change
then home we go #

## [ Continues ]
[ Old Settler ] Now, sometimes
ifJohn was a-passin´by,,,

he´d mosey over and kinda
look in on the doin´s,

´cause it sure tickled him to see
how the fruit ofhis labors,,,

brought all kinds offolks together
and made ´em good neighbors,

# Now duck for the apple
Four i n a row #

Thank you, son.
# Corners go Apple core #

- [ All Shout ]
-# Bite that apple to the core #

- [ Sniffing ]
-# Ready now #

# Allemande left
to the ol´left hand#

# Back toyourpartner
Right and left grand#

# A-whirlin´right
and a-whirlin´ wrong#

# And straighten ´em out
and trot ´em along#

# A right and a left
Four in a row #

# Stack them couples
on a corner, go #

-# Apple core #
- [ Al I Shout ]

# Dance with a pretty girl
Try once more ##
