Red River

I've worn this hat a long time.
I'm gonna continue to wear it.

If you got any objections,
I'd like to hear them now.

- It's your hat, brother.
- You made a wise decision.

Would you be wanting
to get up now?

Well, we start tomorrow.
We're going to Missouri
with 10,000 head.

Most of you men have come back to Texas
from the war. You came back to nothing.

You found your homes gone,
your cattle scattered...

and your land stolen by carpetbaggers.
There's no money and no work, because
there's no market for beef in the South.

But there is in Missouri,
so we're going to Missouri.

- I hear tell Cumberland--
- Cumberland didn't make it.

No one else has.
That's the reason I'm here.

I want you all to know
what you're up against.

You probably already know,
but I want to make sure you do.

We got a thousand miles to go.
Ten miles a day will be good.
Fifteen will be luck.

There will be dry country,
dry wells when we get to them.

There will be wind and rain.
There's going to be Indian territory.
How bad? I don't know.

When we get to Missouri,
there will be border gangs.

It's gonna be a fight all the way,
but we'll get there.

Nobody has to come along.
I'll still have a job for you
when we get back.

But remember this: Every man who signs
on for this drive agrees to finish it.

There will be no quitting along the way,
not by me and not by you.

There's no hard feelings if you
don't want to go, but let me know now.

- M-Mr. Dunson, l--
- It's all right, Dan. Go ahead.

- My wife--
- You don't have to explain, Bill.

- Thanks. Good luck.
- Go on, Joe. Taylor.

Thank you, Mr. Dunson.
- It's all right, Dan. Go ahead.
- No, sir. I didn't mean that l--

- You mean what, Dan?
- I-l-l--
