
That... That grim Sunday at Harvard,
when you called it quits,
David took me for a walk.
My chin was about an inch
from the ground.

I just couldn't be the gay girl.
I just relaxed and let everything pour out.
The real, real me stuff.
Did you hear that phrase?
I hear myself saying things like that...

Oh, where's David?
You know, I'm not very smart.
I never realised you were...
Brandon and his atmospheric music.

You are in love with David, aren't you?
- I don't get it.
- Get what?

Brandon made a crack when I got here.
He implied I'd have a chance with you
again because David's out of the running.

Wait. You mean, before I got here
Brandon knew we had broken up?

- He even knew about you and David.
- What?

Kenneth, he pretended to be completely
ignorant when I told him. He said -

What's going on here?
I don't know,
but I'm going to find out once and for all!

- Brandon?
- Yes?

- May I see you for a moment?
- Certainly.

Why can't he keep his hands off people?
Just exactly what are you up to?
- Up to getting you a coffee, if you like.
- Let's dispense with the charm!

I'd like to know why you had gall
to tell Kenneth he wouldn't have to
worry much longer about David and me.

I don't think that's precisely what I said.
It's what you implied
and I want to know why.

Some women are quite charming
when they're angry, Janet.

Unfortunately, you're not.
- Cut that out, Brandon.
- Well, chivalry rears its ugly head!

- I don't believe David's coming.
- Wait and see.

I don't have to. He's never this late.
He's never late at all.

If something had come up,
he'd have phoned.

I think you deliberately arranged it
so that he wouldn't come.

How clever of me.
I might have known you couldn't
just give a party for Mr Kentley.

You'd have to add something
that appealed

to your warped sense of humour.
