The Red Shoes

Class dismissed.
No, gentlemen. Figure 29, sing.
I think that will do.
Thank you, gentlemen.
The brass could do with
your attention, Craster. Tomorrow.

Gentlemen, I'm very sorry to bring
you here so early.

But I've been in front
for this ballet more than once

and I really must...
There are one or two things
I really must put right.

So, um, Heart 0f Fire.
0verture, please.

From the beginning.
0h, by the way, trumpets,
at two bars before figure two,

have you got an E natural?.
No. I've got an E flat.
Ah. Makes all the difference.
Should be E natural.

Right. From the beginning.
I know it's hard
to get your lips set this early,

but we ought to be able
to come in together.
