The Red Shoes

..pair of red shoes.
0h, I beg your pardon?
The ballet of The Red Shoes is from
a fairy tale by Hans Andersen.

It is the story of a girl
who is devoured by an ambition

to attend a dance
in a pair of red shoes.

She gets the shoes, goes to the dance
and at first, she's very happy.
At the end of the evening,
she gets tired and wants to go home.

But the red shoes...
are not tired.
In fact, the red shoes
are never tired.

They dance her out into the streets,
over the mountains and valleys,

through fields and forests,
through night and day.

Time rushes by. Love rushes by.
Life rushes by.
But the red on.
What happens in the end?
- In the end, she dies.
- Yes. I remember.

The music is by Felipe Beltran.
He did it for us last year
during our South American tour.

You'll find some passages marked with
a blue pencil. They are bad.

I would like to see what you can do
in the way of a little rewriting.

- 0h.
- You can take your time.

- There's no hurry.
- Thank you.

- 0n vous attend.
0ui, je viens.
Thank you.
