The Red Shoes

And the big stuff coming up.
She can't dance everything full out.

- She ought to know that.
- How do you expect her to know it,

if you never danced full out
before opening night?

Here are the designs
for the costumes, Boris.

One moment.
Sit down, will you, please?

I'm so sorry. Something
has to be done about the music.

She starts the pirouette early.
- The tempo's wrong. It's too fast.
- It's the right tempo.

0f course. 0nce more.
- She'll be all right.
- I hope so.

Still unconverted, Sergei?
Well, of course
she's a charming girl, but...

I know nothing about her charms.
But they won't wait till the end,
they'll applaud in the middle!

- Come now.
- Sergei, I'll take a bet.

0h, enough. Enough.
Miss Page, we are trying to create
something of beauty.

While you wave your arms
like a scarecrow

and bend your knees
like an old cart horse,

we are unlikely to succeed.
Well,'s a bet.
Come, let me see your sketches.
The girl.
