The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

because construction engineers examine
every bit of ground around the road...

while they're building them.
We got to go where there's no trails...
where no surveyor or anyone who knows
anything of prospecting has been before.

The best place to go to is...
where any salaried person wouldn't go,
because he wouldn't want to risk his hide.

I got three of them!
How many did you get?

- A couple.
- I'm one up. I bet I got more than you did.

I got three. Nice shooting?
That bullet hole's two inches
from my head. That was close.

The bullets were sure flying
thick and fast in here.

It sounded like a swarm of bees here.
That bandit with the gold hat,
I had my sights on him, nice as you please.

The train gave a jolt and I missed.
Wish I'd got him.

Big boulder on the track so train stop.
Bandits got big surprise because soldiers
on the train waiting for them.

Not many passengers get killed.
Here's where we're bound for.
Don't show whether there's mountain,
swamp or desert.

That shows the makers of the map
don't know.

Once on the ground,
we open our eyes and look around.

Blow our noses, too.
Believe it or not, I knew a fellow...

who could smell gold
like a jackass can smell water.
