The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

when it comes to a hard day's work,
but I'm not the man I was once.

Next year, next month, next week,
by thunder, won't be the man I'm today.

I think I'll settle down in a quiet place...
get a little business, hardware,
grocery store...

spend the better part of my time
reading comics and adventure stories.

One thing's for sure.
I won't go prospecting again...

wasting time and money
trying to find another gold mine.

How about yourself?
What plans have you, if any?

I figure on buying some land
and growing fruit. Peaches, maybe.

How did you come to settle on peaches?
One summer, when I was a kid...
I worked as a picker in a peach harvest
in the San Joaquin Valley.

Boy, it sure was something.
Hundreds of people, old and young.
Whole families working together.
At night, after a day's work...
we used to build big bonfires
and sit around and sing to guitar music.

Till morning sometimes.
We'd go to sleep, wake up and sing,
and go to sleep again.

Everybody had a wonderful time.
Ever since then I've had a hankering
to be a fruit grower.

It must be grand
watching your own trees put on leaves...

come into blossom and bear.
Watching the fruit get big
and ripe on the boughs, ready for picking.

What's all that about?
We're telling each other
what we aim to do when we get back.

Now me, I got it all figured out
what I'm gonna do.

Tell us about it, Dobbsie.
First off, I'm going to a Turkish bath
to sweat and soak...

till I get all the grime and dirt
out of my system.

Then I'm going to a haberdasher and
gonna get myself a brand-new set of duds.

Dozen of everything.
Then I'm going to a swell cafe...
order everything on the bill o' fare
and if it ain't just right...

or maybe even if it is,
I'm gonna bawl the waiter out...

and make him take the whole thing back.
What's next on the program?
Well, what would be?
If I were you, I wouldn't talk
or think about women.

It ain't good for your health.
