The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Just like I thought.
- What's the idea?
- Put your hands up.

I've a good mind to haul off
and pump you up, chest and belly alike.

Would you mind telling me
what this is about?

It won't get you anywhere playing dumb.
Well, I'll be.
- So that's where your goods are hidden?
- Hey, what's the trouble here?

Seems like I accidentally stumbled
on Dobbsie's treasure.

Accidentally? Why were you trying
to pry up that rock?

I saw a gila monster crawl under it.
Brother, I got to hand it to you.
You can certainly pick up a good story
when you need one.

Okay, I'm a liar.
There isn't a gila monster under there.

Let's see you stick your hand in
and get your goods out.

- Go ahead.
- Sure I will.

But you try any bad moves...
Don't worry. I'll stay right where I am.
I want to see this.

Reach in and get your goods.
If you don't, we'll think you're yellow,
won't we, Howard?

They never let go, do they, Howard,
once they grab onto you?

You can cut them in two and the head
will still hang on till sundown, I hear.

By that time the victim
doesn't usually care 'cause he's dead.

- Isn't that right, Howard?
- I reckon.

Why don't you stick your hand in
and get your treasure?

Couldn't be because you're scared...
after the way you've been shooting
your mouth off?

Show us you ain't yellow.
I'd hate to think my partner
had a yellow streak up his back.

I'll kill you, you dirty, thieving...
Okay, Howard, I got him covered.
Another bad move out of you
and I'll blow you to kingdom come.

Howard, turn that rock over, will you?
