The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Ain't it always his burros
that won't march in line...

stray off the trail and smash their packs
against the trees and rocks?

I wish they'd stray off far enough
to fall down about 2,000 feet of gorge.

Why'd you offer
to carry his goods for him?

As if he couldn't manage by himself.
He knew what he was doing
when he turned them over to us.

Mighty cute of him, wasn't it?
What's the use of railing against
the old man? It won't do any good.

Save your breath
for the next piece of trail.

I'm stopping here for the night.
If you want to go on it's okay with me,
but take his burros with you.

They ain't my responsibility.
It's early. We can make four,
five miles more before dark.

Nobody ordered you to stay here.
You can go 20 miles more for all I care.

Ordered me?
Who's ordering who to do anything?
You talk like you're boss of this outfit.
Maybe you are, let's hear you say it.
All right, if you can't go any further.
Who says I can't? Don't make me laugh.
I can go four times
as far as a mug like you.

But I don't want to. I could if I want to,
but I don't want to, see, mug?

What's the use of hollering?
We're started on something
and we've got to finish it, like it or not.

We'll camp here.
